Ship Management
Following our 30 years of maritime experience both onboard and ashore, we are offering a wide range of services in every aspect of ship management. More specifically, we undertake on your behalf:
Safety & Technical Management
Plant maintenance system implementation & monitoring
Dry docking & repair: planning & attendance
Classification survey attendance
Inspection & conditions assessments
Dedicated team of experience, qualified marine superintendents ensure the compliance with all national & international policies & regulations
Shipboard training
Seminars/Training sessions at recognized training institutions
Operations management
Monitoring vessels closely throughout each voyage
Assessment of voyage results and average fuel consumption
Check engine stoppages (time & consumption) per voyage
Check the vessel’s position directly on map or list with ΕΤΑ displayed (port date left days).
Crew Management
Recruitment & selection of qualified and certified seafarers
High retention rate for officers & ratings
Undertake flag endorsements & visa procedures
Efficient travel arrangements (ticketing)